Nucleus Platform Access
Nucleus are doing their bit towards sustainability by using paperless correspondence where possible.
As a platform provider they have a responsibility to ensure that their clients have access to their key documents. They have recently carried out analysis of clients who have been unable or have not accessed their correspondence through their secure online portal, Nucleus Go.
They have found that a number of clients have online correspondence preferences selected but can’t access their information online due to the following issues:
·An invalid email address
·The account is locked out
·Not registered on Nucleus Go.
Nucleus are planning on contacting all clients who have not accessed their information online.
For clients with an invalid email address, their correspondence will start to be sent out in the post. As the preference is for clients to access their documents online, they will also receive details on how to access the accounts. If you have changed your email address within the last 2 years, please contact us to ensure that we hold your correct email address on Nucleus.
For clients where the account is locked or they are not registered for Nucleus Go, a letter will be sent with an easy-to-use guide to get you online and engaging with your investments. Nucleus will continue to send a reminder letter every 6 months until they can see that they have access to Nucleus Go. If you have received your letter and are still unable to access your account, please contact us and we will assist you in gaining access.